Penjelasan Lengkap Skill Pasif Semua Hero Mobile Legends (ML)

Semua hero memiliki paduan skill aktif dan pasif. Skill pasif ini sudah kalian dapatkan dari level 1 dan akan terus memiliki efek sampai game berakhir. Skill pasif juga jadi pembeda antar hero karena memiliki efek yang berbeda.

Jumlah hero di Mobile Legends bisa dibilang sudah terbilang sangat banyak. Sulit dipelajari satu-satu, lebih baik pahami dulu penjelasan lengkap skill pasif semua hero Mobile Legends (ML) yang ada disini nih.

Semua hero memiliki paduan skill aktif dan pasif. Skill pasif ini sudah kalian dapatkan dari level 1 dan akan terus memiliki efek sampai game berakhir. Skill pasif juga jadi pembeda antar hero karena memiliki efek yang berbeda.

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Tentunya dengan banyaknya hero yang ada di Mobile Legends akan sangat panjang. Tapi sangat berguna bagi kalian pelajari agar nantinya ketika bermain tidak akan bingung dan bisa paham musuh dan teman kalian.

Disini akan kita kulik bersama dengan banyakna hero yang ada di Mobile Legends. Akan kita urutkan juga sesuai abjad jadi kalian tidak akan kebingungan. Bisa juga langsung search nama heronya dibawah ini jika ingin lebih cepat.

Penjelasan Lengkap Skill Pasif Semua Hero Mobile Legends (ML)

Banyaknya hero yang tersedia akan membuat daftarnya sangat panjang. Tapi tenang saja karena hero-hero ini akan kita bahas secara singkat agar nantinya tidak membuat kalian agak bingung ketika membacanya.

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Aamon – Invisible Armor

Aamon enters the Camouflage state each time he hits an enemy with a skill, during which he cannot be targeted, restores 25 (+15% Total Magic Power) plus 4% of his lost HP every 0.6 seconds, and gains 60% extra Movement Speed that rapidly decays over 4 seconds.
Upon leaving the Camouflage state, Aamon immediately resets his Basic Attack’s cooldown and enhances his Basic Attacks within the next 2.5 seconds. Each enhanced Basic Attack deals 100 (+100% Total Physical Attack) (+65% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and reduces Aamon’s skill cooldowns by 0.5 second. The first enhanced Basic Attack’s damage is increased to 120% if Aamon leaves the Camouflage state actively.

Skill pasif dari hero Aamon ini agak menarik. Hal ini karena tiap dirinya mengenai lawan dengan skill, dirinya akan menghilan dan tidak bisa ditarget. Aamon juga mendapatkan heal ketika menghilang dan mendapatkan MVSPD tambahan.

Setelah muncul lagi, Aamon akan reset serangannya dan juga meningkatkan damage berkat damage tambahan di auto attack. Damage miliknya ini scaling dengan physical dan juga magical ditambah akan memotong CD skill miliknya.

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Akai – Tai Chi

Akai gains a shield that absorbs up to 6% of his Max HP for 2 seconds every time he uses a skill.

Setiap Akai menggunakan skill miliknya maka Akai akan mendapatkan shield selama 2 detik. Shield ini bisa stack jika Akai menggunakan skill terus, jadi tidak akan percuma terbuang begitu saja.

Aldous – Contract: Transform

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After every 2  attacks, Aldous gains a 500 (+3 × Soul Steal stack count) (for a maximum of 1500) shield for 3 seconds on his next  Basic Attack.

This effect can only be triggered once every 5 seconds.

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Tiap 2 kali serangan Aldous, dirinya akan mendapatkan sejumlah shield yang berdasarkan damage dan stack miliknya. Shield ini memiliki durasi 3 detik ketika keluar dan hanya bisa menyala tiap 5 detik sekali.

Kemampuan ini juga akan bergantung dari Damage yang Aldous berikan, karena itulah skill 1 memang menjadi point yang penting. Apalagi setiap sudah melakukan 2 Serangan dengan tepat, maka hal seperti ini akan membantu banget.

Alice – Blood Ancestry

When a nearby minion dies, it generates a Blood Orb. Each Blood Orb Alice absorbs will permanently increase her Max HP by 10 points and restores 50 mana for her. After absorbing 12/ 25 / 50 Blood Orbs, she will permanently receive 10% Cooldown Reduction / 15% Bonus HP Restoration & Shield / 40 Movement Speed.

Setiap ada creep yang mati didekat Alice maka mereka akan menjatuhkan Blood Orb. Jika Alice mengambil Blood Orb ini maka Alice akan mendapatkan max HP juga mendapatkan mana. Tiap 12, 25, dan 50 Blood orbs, alice akan mendapatkan CDR, bonus heal dan shield, juga MVSPD permanent.

Alpha – Beta, Advance!

Each time Alpha uses a skill, he summons Beta and mark the target. Beta will launch 3 laser strikes upon reaching 2 marks.

Beta’s first two laser strikes each deal 50 (+70% Extra Physical ATK) True Damage and briefly reduce the target’s Movement Speed, and the final AOE attack that deals 50 (+130% Extra Physical ATK) True Damage.

Setiap Alpha menggunakan skill, dirinya akan mengeluarkan Beta dan menandari target. Target yang terkena tanda 2 kali maka akan menerima damage tambahan. Damagenya bersifat true damage, mengurangi MVSPD, dan AoE.

Alucard – Pursuit

If Alucard’s skill hits 1 enemy, it will deal 50% more damage.

Alucard’s next Basic Attack after using a skill deals 20% more damage and has him jump to the target.

Alucard’s skills inherits 50% of his Physical Lifesteal as Spell Vamp.

This passive can be blocked by Grounded effect after using a skill.

Skill pasif Alucard membuatnya sangat lengket ke musuh dan damagenya tinggi. Tiap skillnya mengenai satu hero saja, maka damagenya akan meningkat. Lalu serangan basic setelah menggunakan skill akan membuatnya lompat ke musuh. Alucard juga memiliki tambahan lifesteal dan spellvamp.

Angela – Smart Heart

Each time Angela uses a skill, her Movement Speed increases by 15% for 4 seconds, up to 30%.

An attached ally during Attached State will also enjoy the Movement Bonus.

Setiap Angela menggunakan skill maka dirinya akan mendapatkan tambahan MVSPD. Untuk hero yang Angela tempel juga akan mendapatkan pasif yang sama dari Angela.

Argus – Warmonger

When Argus takes or deal damage, the blade charges Malice Energy. When fully charged, his next Basic Attack strikes rapidly 3 times, dealing a total of (+260% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and restoring 90 (+45% Total Physical Attack) HP. He charges forth with the final empowered Basic Attack.

Skil pasif Argus akan menyala tiap dirinya memberikan damage atau terkena damage. Tiap serangan mendapatkan stack dan jika sudah full stack maka serangan basicnya akan menyerang 3 kali dengan kecepatan tinggi dan memberikan heal.

Atlas – Frigid Breath

Atlas generates a Frigid Breath around him for 5 seconds each time he casts a skill. Enemies who stay in the area of for 1.5 seconds will have their Movement Speed reduced by 50% and Attack Speed by 50%. They can remove the slow effect immediately by leaving the area of Frigid Breath.

Atlas gains 25-60 Physical and Magic Defense when he is inside Frigid Breath.

Atlas akan mengeluarkan efek skill pasifnya tiap menggunakan skill. Efeknya akan memberikan slow area dan minus ASPD bagi yang tidak keluar lebih dari 1,5 detik. Atlas akan mendapatkan physical dan magical defense didalam pasifnya.

Aulus – Fighting Spirit

Aulus’ Basic Attack adds a stack of Fighting Spirit to the axe. Each stack increases his Physical Attack by 3-9 and Physical Penetration by 1-4 for 5s, up to 4 stacks.
When Aulus’ axe reaches full Fighting Spirit stacks, his Movement Speed is increased by 15%, and his Basic Attack Damage is increased to 125%.

Setiap serangan dasar Aulus akan memberikan stack fighting spirit. Tiap stack meningkatkan damage dan penetration. Jika sudah full stack maka akan mendapatkan tambahan MVSPD dan juga basic attack damage.

Aurora – Pride of Ice

Aurora gains 1 unit of frost energy when she casts a skill. At 4 units, her next skill cast will also freeze the target for 1.5 seconds.

Aurora’s skills deal 20% Bonus Magic Damage on a frozen target. The skill that procs Pride of Ice also deals Bonus Magic Damage.

Skill Aurora akan memberikan stack kepada dirinya. Ketika sudah mengumpulkan 4 stack maka skill selanjutnya akan memberikan efek beku. Tidak hanya itu, skill tersebut juga akan memberikan damage tambahan.

Badang – Chivalry Fist

After 4 Basic Attack, Badang’s next Basic Attack will knock the target back, dealing (+120% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to them and enemies that are knocked back to an obstacle will be stunned for 0.8 second, while minions and creeps will be stunned immediately.

Badang’s Qigong Fist and Fist Crack will also knock back enemies and stun them for 0.5 second if they are knocked back to a wall.

Serangan keempat Badang di auto attack miliknya akan mendorong target dan memberikan bonus damage. Musuh yang terdorong ke tembok akan terkena mini stun. Skill miliknya juga memberikan efek yan sama.

Balmond – Bloodthirst

Balmond recovers 5% of his Max HP upon a Minion and [Creep] kill, and 20% upon an enemy [Hero] kill.

Setiap Balmond membunuh hero atau creep, dirinya akan mendapatkan heal instant. Hero memberikan efek heal lebih besar.

Bane – Shark Bite

Whenever he casts a skill, Bane infuses his weapon with a stack of Tidal Energy, [lasts for 8 seconds], up to 2 stacks. As a result, his next Basic Attack will consume 1 stack to deal (+145% Total Physical ATK)–(+180% Total Physical ATK) Physical Damage to nearby enemies (increases with [Hero level]).

Setiap Bane menggunakan skill dirinya akan mendapatkan stack yang bisa disimpan sampai 2 stack. Stack ini akan membuat serangan dasar Bane diberikan buff kuat.

Barats – Big Guy

Each time Barats and Detona deal damage with his skills to the target, Detona gains 1 stack of Big Guy for 12 seconds with a cap of 25 stacks. For each stack of Big Guy, Detona increases his size, 1-4 points of Physical Defense & Magic Defense, and gaining 2% Resilience.

When Big Guy reaches 16 stacks, Detona will enhance his Basic Attack, dealing (+140% Total Physical Attack) (+4% of his Max HP) Physical Damage to enemies within a rounded area and slow them by 40% for 0.2 second. He will lose 1 stack every 12 seconds he don’t deal damage with his skill

Setiap Barats menggunakan skill dan mengenai target, maka dirinya mendapatkan stack. Stack memberikan tambahan damage, defense, dan resilience.

Baxia – Baxia Mark

Baxia activates the “Baxia Mark” permanently, reducing the final damage received by 25.

At the same time, Baxia will reduce the regen effect of enemies hit by his skills by 30% for 4 seconds.

Baxia mengurangi damage musuh sebesar 25 kepada dirinya. Selain itu dirinya juga akan memberikan efek anti heal di semua skill damage miliknya.

Beatrix – Mechanical Genius

Her extraordinary talent in the field of mechanics allowed Beatrix to produce 4 weapon(s) of truly awe-inspiring firepower.

Renner Basic Attack – Longshot: Fire a powerful shot in the enemy’s current direction, dealing 125 (+500% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the first target hit (this shot can be dodged, or blocked by others. Deals 50% or 62.5 (+250% Total Physical Attack) of damage to [Creeps]).

Beatrix cannot Crit, and converts every 1% Critical Chance gained into 1 Physical Attack.

Beatrix memiliki 4 senjata unik yang berbeda yang memiliki efek yang berbeda juga. Dirinya juga tidak bisa melakukan crit dan setiap persen crit akan jadi physical attack.

Bellerick – Deadly Thorns

For every 50 damage (post-mitigation) inflicted upon Belerick, he has a 25% chance to attack in the direction of the nearest enemy unit, dealing Magic Damage equal to 120-260 + 2% of his Max HP (scales with level). This can be only triggered once every 0.4 second.

The HP obtained from Equipment is increased by 40%.

Bellerick memiliki 25% untuk memberikan damage secara otomatis kepada musuh terdekatnya yang scaling dengna HP miliknya. Selain itu semua item yang memberikan stat HP akan ditingkatkan efeknya.

Benedetta – Elapsed Daytime

When holding down the Basic Attack button, Benedetta enters Swordout State and keeps gathering the Sword Intent. If releasing the Basic Attack button after the Sword Intent is fully charged, Benedetta will use Swordout Slash in the direction she’s facing and dash forward, dealing (+200% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies on the path.

Only when Benedetta is in Swordout State and her Sword Intent is fully charged by holding down the Basic Attack button, she can release the Swordout Slash.
Benedetta can also gain Sword Intent when dealing damage via Basic Attack and skills.

Benedetta bisa menahan tombol attack untuk masuk ke stance miliknya yang mana jika sudah penuh bisa dilepas dan memberikan damage juga dash. Benedetta juga bisa mendapatkan stack ini melalui skill miliknya.

Brody – Abyss Corrosion

With his Basic Attacks resonated with the Abyss Power within his body, Brody is able to move while winding up his Basic Attacks (which will be interrupted when casting skills) at the cost of having longer Basic Attack Animation and lower Attack Speed Bonus. Each Basic Attack deals (+130% Total Physical ATK) (+30 × Hero Level) Physical Damage (of which the damage scaling with level cannot be critical), increases Movement Speed by 30% (which will decay rapidly in 1.2 seconds) and inflicts 1 stack of Abyss Mark on the enemy. [Lasts for 8 seconds], capped at 4 stacks.

Each stack of Abyss Mark increases Brody’s damage against the target by 5% and his Movement Speed by 5% (for a maximum of 20% damage and 20% Movement Speed).

Brody bisa menyerang sambil berjalan sedikit dan tiap serangan akan memberikan stack. Tiap stack akan memberikan dirinya damage tambahan, MVSPD, dan tidak bisa crit.

Bruno – Mecha Legs

Each time Bruno’s skill causes damage, his critical chance will be increased by 2% that can stacks up to 10 times for a maximum of 20% critical chance increase.

Since Mecha Legs are infused with power, Bruno can deal more damage, but he only gains 80% of the Attack Speed from items and emblems.

Setiap skill Bruno memberikan damage maka crit chance miliknya akan meningkat terus sampai 20%. Dirinya juga memberikan damage lebih tinggi, tapi ASPD lebih rendah.

Carmilla – Vampire Pact

Carmilla steals 6.4-12 Physical & Magic Defense (scales with level) from the enemies while dealing damage to them. Each target can be stolen only once in 5 seconds. The stolen Physical & Magic Defense can be stacked up to 5 times within 5 seconds.

Carmilla akan mendapatkan physical dan magical defense tiap dirinya memberikan damage ke hero musuh.  Efek ini bisa stack sampai 5 kali.

Cecilion – Overflowing

Cecilion will increase his maximum mana by 8, each time his skill hits an enemy target. This effect cools down in 1 second.
Cecilion has higher maximum mana and mana regen speed, and his skill damage scales with his maximum Mana.

Setiap menyerang musuh dengan skillnya, maka Cecilion akan mendapatkan maximum mana. Dirinya memiliki mana dan regen yang lebih tinggi, juga scaling skill dengan max mana.

Chang’e – Trouble Maker

Each time Chang’e skills deal damage to enemy units, She will leave a mark on them in which her next skill damage dealt will be increased by 2%, stacking up to 20 times for a maximum of 40% damage increase.

Setiap Chang’e menyerang musuh dengan skill damage, maka musuh terkena mark dimana setiap serangan Chang’e akan menigkat damagenya sampai 20 kali.

Chou – Only Fast

After moving for 8 yards, Chou’s next Basic Attack will deal 180% damage (can’t crit) and briefly slow enemies by 80%

Setiap Chou berjalan selama 8 yard maka dirinya akan memiliki serangan basic attack yang lebih tinggi damagenya dan memberikan slow.

Claude – Battle Side-By-Side

Dexter assists Claude in battle, dealing an additional Basic Attack that inherits 35% of Claude’s Basic Attack and its effects whenever Claude launches a Basic Attack.

Setiap serangan dasar dari Claude, akan ada serangan tambahan dari Dexter yang memberikan damage 35% dari damage Claude dan bisa memberikan efek dari item yang digunakan juga.

Clint – Double Shot

Each time Clint casts a skill, his next Basic Attack within 4 seconds penetrates a line of targets, dealing (+135% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. This Basic Attack carries attack effects and can be Critical critical.

Setiap Clint menggunakan skill dirinya akan mendapatkan buff di damage selanjutnya. Damage ini memiliki jarak yang lebih tinggi dan juga damage yang lebih tinggi juga.

Cyclops – Starlit Hourglass

When Cyclops’s skills hit an enemy, the cooldown of all his skills are reduced by 0.5 seconds .

Ketika skill yang dimiliki Cyclops mengenai musuh, semua cooldown skillnya akan dikurangi 0.5 Detik pada setiap hitnya.

Diggie – Young Again

Upon death, Diggie will enter Egg Form and gain new skills while in Egg Form.

Diggie is untargettable in Egg Form and after Diggie’s resurrection timer ends, Diggie will respawn at his position, entering Owl Form and ending his untargettability.

Diggie can use Battle Emotes and also provides vision normally while in Egg Form

Ketika Mati, Diggie akan memasuki Egg Form dan mendapatkan skill baru dengan Egg Formnya tersebut. Selama Egg Form, Diggie tidak bisa ditarget dan akan hidup kembali di tempat ketika masa resurrection berakhir.

Dyrroth – Wrath of the Abyss

Dyrroth’s skills and Basic Attack grant him Rage.

When Dyrroth’s Rage reaches 50%, he will enhance Burst Strike and Spectre Step.

After each 2 Basic Attack, Dyrroth will release Circle Strike, dealing (+140% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to enemies in the circle and regenerating HP according to the damage he deals. Each time he hits an enemy hero, the cooldown of Burst Strike and Spectre Step will be decreased by 1 second.

Basic attack dan skill Dyrroth akan memberikan stack Rage. Ketika Rage mencapai 50%, skil Burst Strike dan Spectre Step di tingkatkan efeknya. Setiap basic attack ke-2 Dyrroth memberikan damage tambahan ke musuh dan memberikan heal.

Esmeralda – Starmoon Casket

Esmeralda manipulates the Stardust and Frostmoon. Each of her Basic Attack and skills deal damages twice – Stardust deals Physical Damage, and then Frostmoon deals Magic Damage and gives the enemy hero a shield equal to 135% of Frostmoon’s damage dealt.

The damage dealt by Esmeralda ignores all shield effects and transforms her Shield into her HP at the same time.

Esmeralda menyerang musuh denagn 2 tipe seraengan yaitu Magical dan Physical. Serangan Esmeralda Mengabaikan Shield musuh dan mengubah shield Esmeralda menjadi HP.

Estes – Scripture of the Moon Elf

Code of Moon Elves will charge energy into Estes slowly – When it stacks up to 100, it will improve his next Basic Attack, dealing 250 (+100% Total Physical Attack) (+150% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to the target.

The damage will then ricochet, dealing 125 (+50% Total Physical Attack) (+75% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to nearby enemies and slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds.

Estes akan mengisi stack Code of Moon Elves sepanjang game. Saat stack Code of Moon Elves penuh, serangan basic attack Estes akan memberikan damage Magic attack, dan akan memantul ke musuh lain dengan damage yang lebih sedikit.

Eudora – Superconductor

Eudora’s skills inflict Superconductor for 3 seconds.

Additional effects will be applied when Eudora lands her skills on to targets affected by Superconductor.png Superconductor.

Skill Eudora akan memberikan musuh Efek Superconductor. Musuh yang terkena Superconductor akan memberikan damage dan efek tambahan dari skill Eudora.

Fanny – Air Superiority

Fanny’s damage while flying is increased by 15% – 30% (depending on flight speed) and leaves a Prey Mark on the target which can stack up to 2 times.

Every time Fanny deals damage to enemies with a Prey Mark, she regenerates 10 energy, doubled to 20 energy if the enemy has 2 Prey Marks.

Damage Fanny sangat mengudara menggunakan skill akan meningkatkan damagenya dan damage semakin tinggi semakin cepat dirinya melawang. Setiap Fanny menyerang musuh yang memiliki efek Prey Mark, Fanny akan mendapatkan 10 energy setiap stacknya.

Faramis – Vicious Retrieval

When units die near Faramis, they leave their soul at the spot. Faramis recovers 150 (+60% Total Magic Power) points of HP every time he retrieves a soul. Each soul shortens Faramis’ resurrecting time by 5% – 7% (scales with level).

Faramis can collect up to 18 souls and can shorten his resurrection time by up to 90%.

Ketika ada unit yang mati di sekitar Faramis, Unit tersebut akan meninggalkan Soul yang bisa Faramis kumpulkan. Setiap soulnya akan memberikan tambahan HP dan juga menurunkan waktu Resurrection Faramis.

Floryn – Dew

Dew’s Lantern can slightly increase Floryn’s attributes and evolve at full energy stacks (1000). When at the Fountain, Floryn can share the Lantern’s power with an allied hero, granting them an extra piece of equipment that does not take up equipment slots. Cooldown: 30s. The equipment will also evolve at full energy stacks. Floryn can accelerate the energy accumulation speed by hitting enemies with her skills.
Floryn will never sell the Lantern.

Shimmering Lantern: +20 Magic Power, +5% Movement SPD
Lantern of Hope: +40 Magic Power, +10% Movement SPD, +5% CD reduction
Bud of Hope (given to ally): +250 HP
Flower of Hope (given to ally): +8% Physical ATK, +8% Magic Power, +500 HP

Floryn bisa memberikan item ke salah satu rekan tim dan juga dirinya pada awal game. Item tersebut akan meningkat, ketika stack yang dimiliki Floryn penuh. Stack bisa dipercepat dengan cara menyerang musuh dengan menggunakan skill.

Franco – Wasteland Force

Franco increases Movement Speed by 10% and regens 1% of his Max HP per second if he takes no damage for [5 seconds].

Movement speed dan HP Regen Franco akan meningkat, ketika Franco tidak terkenal damage selama 5 detik terakhir.

Freya – Power of Einherjar

After casting a skill, Freya greatly increases her Attack Speed for her next 2 Basic Attacks.This effect can be stacked up to 6 times.

Freya gains a stack of Sacred Orb every 2  Basic Attacks. By sacrificing different amounts of Sacred Orb, Freya can enhance  Leap of Faith and Spirit Combo.

Setelah menggunakan skill, Attack Speed yang dimiliki Freya akan meningkat secara drastis untuk 2 serangan pertama, yang dimana efeknya bisa di stack sebanyak 6 kali.

Gatotkaca – Steel Bones

Gatotkaca converts 2% of his his lost HP into Physical Defense, capped at 200.

For each 300 damage (pre-damage reduction) he takes, Gatotkaca gains 5 Rage, capped at 100.

Upon reaching over 25 Rage, his next Basic Attack will be enhanced, consuming all the Rage, dealing extra Magic Damage and restoring HP him based on amount of Rage consumed.

The damage scales with his Rage, Level, and Attack.

Gatotkaca mengubah darah yang hilang menjadi physical defense, dan setiap 300 damage yang diterimanya memberikan nya stack Rage. Pada stack 25 rage, basic attack Gatotkaca akan memberikan magic damage tambahan dan memberikan heal.

Gloo – Stick, Stick

Enemies gain a stack of Sticky each time they’re hit by Gloo’s skills, decreasing Movement Speed by 6% for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 5.

Each stack of Sticky on an enemy reduces their damage dealt to Gloo by 8%.

Skill damage yang diberikan Gloo ke musuh akan memberikan efek Sticky. Setiap stacknya akan mengubah Movement speed musuh dan juga mengurangi damage hero ke Gloo.

Gord – Mystic Favor

Whenever Gord deals 4 instances of damage to a target in a short duration, the target is dealt with an additional 160 (+70% Total Magic Power) True Damage.

Setiap Gord menyerang musuh menggunakan skill, setiap ke-4 hitnya akan memberikan True damage tambahan pada musuh.

Granger – Caprice

Granger can fill his gun with up to 6 bullets at a time. The 6th bullet deals  Critical Damage.

Granger’s Basic Attack will deal 50 (+110% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage, but he gains 50% Attack Speed from Equipment, Emblems [and spell Inspire].

Granger mengisi pelurunya hingga 6 peluru, dan peluru terakhir yang dilancarkan memberikan Ciritical Damage pada musuh. Basic attack Granger memberikan physical damage yang lebih tinggi, tapi hanya mendapatkan 50% attack speed dari item build.

Grock – Ancestral Gift

When Grock is near a wall or turret, his Movement Speed will be increased by 10%, and he gains 15 points of (+8*Hero Level) Physical Defense, Magic Defense, and HP Regen.

Ketika Grock berdiri di samping tembok atau turret, hero ini mendapatkan tambahan movement speed, phyisical defense, magic defense dan juga HP regen.

Guinevere – Super Magic

Guinevere deals 25% increased damage to airborne enemies.

Guinevere’s mastery of magic allows her Basic Attack to deal (+80% Total Physical Attack) (+60% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage.

Guinevere accumulates [20]  Super Magic each time she deals damage. When she is fully charged [upon reaching 100 Super Magic] her next Basic Attack will become guided, dealing 80 (+100% Total Physical Attack) (+120% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and restoring 8% of her lost HP.

Guinvere memberikan damage tambahan ke musuh yang terkena efek Airborne. Serangan basic attack Guinvere di scaling dari physical damage dan juga magic damage.

Guinevere akan mendapatkan stack saat menyerang musuh, dan ketika stacknya penuh, serangan basic attack guinevere akan mengincar dan mendekati musuh dan juga memberikan heal.

Gusion – Dagger Specialist

Each time Gusion casts a skill, a Rune will be added to Gusion’s dagger. After stacking 3 Runes, Gusion’s next Basic Attack on a target will deal Physical Damage equal to (+100% Total Physical Attack) + 15% of the target’s lost HP, and heal based on 80% of the Damage Dealt.

This enhanced Basic Attack applies ATK Effects such as Crit and Physical Lifesteal.

Setiap kali Gusion menggunakan skill, Gusion akan mendapatkan rune yang bisa di kumpulkan hingga 3 stack. Saat stacknya penuh, serangan basic attacknya Gusion akan memberikan tambahan damage yang discaling dari HP yang hilang dari musuh.

Hanabi – Ninjutsu: Equinox

When Hanabi is at full HP, 60% of incoming HP that would have been granted from Lifesteal is converted into a shield up to 25% of her Max HP.
When the shield is active, Hanabi is immune to slow and all controls and her Movement Speed is increased by 30 points.

Ketika HP Hanabi musuh, semua HP yang didapatkannya akan diubah menjadi shield yang bisa menutupi hingga 25% darahnya. Saat Shieldnya aktif, Hanabi tidak bisa terkena slow dan juga movement speednya akan bertambah.

Hanzo – Ame no Habakiri

Hanzo gains 2 Demon Blood when non-hero unit dies near him and 20 Demon Blood when an enemy hero dies nearby.

Hanzo akan mendapatkan tambahan 2 demon blood ketika non-hero unit mati didekatnya. Kalau ada hero yang mati disekitanya, Hanzo akan mendapatkan 20 Demon Blood.

Harith – Key Insight

Harith gains insight from his Key and reduces his time controlled by up to 45% depending on the amount of enemy heroes near him.

Exception: This passive cannot immune Suppression effect during gainting Key.

Harith akan mengurangi CC yang diterimnya sebanyak Hero musuh yang disekitarnya sehingga 45%. Namun, Hal ini tidak berlaku untuk efek Suppression.

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