Second Job Rangnarok X Next Generation, Guide Penting!!

Bagi yang sudah veteran di game RO mungkin sudah tidak perlu memahami hal ini ya. Panduan ini dibuat untuk para pemain baru atau mungkin pemain veteran yang sudah agak lupa dengan job di RO.

Game legenda Ragnarok rupanya kembali lagi. Sekarang membuat game terbaru, tentunya wajib kalian cicipi. Tetapi masih banyak yang agak bingung dengan second job Ragnarok X Next Generation nih, ada sedikit panduan untuk kalian.

Bagi yang sudah veteran di game RO mungkin sudah tidak perlu memahami hal ini ya. Panduan ini dibuat untuk para pemain baru atau mungkin pemain veteran yang sudah agak lupa dengan job di RO.

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Seperti game MMO kebanyakan, ada sistem job yang bisa membantu kalian bermain lebih baik lagi. Di Ragnarok X Next Generation ini tentunya masih ada, dan juga sistem second job juga bisa kalian cicipi.

Nah ketika kalian mencapai level yang mencukupi kalian bisa mengambil second job ini yang sangat penting untuk kalian ambil sebelum third job nanti. Bisa dibilang ini adalah job menengah kalian.

Bagi yang masih bingung mengenai second job di Ragnarok X Next Generation, kalian bisa cek dibawah ini. Jangan sampai kalian salah ketika bermain dan mengacaukan build kalian kedepannya.

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Second Job Rangnarok X Next Generation


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Untuk Knight sendiri seperti namanya ini adalah job yang mungkin paling umum sebagai physical stat. Memiliki stat STR yang tinggi, kalian bisa buat karakter kalian jadi tank atau bahkan DPS.

Pilihan senjata yang beragam juga bisa membantu kalian nantinya. Job ini memiliki lanjutannya lagi sebagai Lord Knight yang nantinya bisa kalian ambil di third job saat level mencukupi.

Spear Proficiency
ATK increases by (8 + 5% of DEX) when equipped with a Spear.
Sword Speed Boost
ATK increases by (8 + 5% of DEX) when equipped with a Spear.
Steel Heart
Within 12 seconds of using this skill, damage received decreases by 22% (increases by an additional 1% for every 50 VIT you have) and prevents you from being interrupted when being attacked. This effect will be removed after being attacked 11 times.
Can only be used when equipped with a Spear. Continuously attack an enemy for a short time, dealing with 5 attacks that inflict a total of (200% of ATK+ 850) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute. Deals 12% more damage to Large targets. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Double Blow
When equipped with a sword, each normal attack has a 20% chance (increases by an additional 1% for every 50 LUK you have) to deal a bonus of (5% ATK + 20) Neutral physical damage that ignores DEF. If the normal attack is critical, the bonus damage will also be critical.
Enters the Counter state and gains a shield that absorbs damage up to 6% of Max HP for 5 seconds. When the shield ends (it will end earlier if it reaches the damage limit), deals Neutral physical damage equal to 4.4% of Max HP to all enemy units within 3 meters, and increases the target’s Threat by a large amount.
Spear Stab
Can only be used when equipped with a Spear. Deals (165% of ATK + 300) physical damage of your weapons attribute to enemy units within a 2×4 rectangular area in the direction you are facing and knocks them back 3 meters. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped
Cavalary Combat
Can fight while mounted, but ASPD decreases by 20% due to the restrictions of mounted combat. At the max level of this skill, ASPD will return to normal.
Bowling Bash
Pulls up to 8 enemy units within 4 meters toward you, clashing with them to deal (115% + (Number of Monsters -1) x 50%) x ATK physical damage of your weapon’s attribute. Affected targets are stunned for a short time and then knocked back 1 meter, toward their original location. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Spear Boomerang
Can only be used when equipped with a Spear. Deals (250% of ATK + 690) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute to an enemy unit. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Cavalary Training
ATK increases by (8 + 5% of DEX) when mounted.
Charge Attack
Charges towards a faraway enemy target (cannot be silenced after the charge starts), dealing (180% of ATK + 430) Neutral physical damage to enemies in a straight line and stunning them for 2 seconds. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Aura Blade
Infuses your weapon with power, increasing Final Crit Rate by 2% (increases by an additional 1% for every 50 AGI you have) and Crit Damage Bonus by 20% (increases by an additional 1% for every 50 STR you have) for 10 seconds. Each critical hit refreshes the remaining buff time.


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Hunter adalah job yang mengutamakan DPS dari jarak jauh. Hunter sendiri memiliki playstyle yang tidak begitu variatif. Tetapi hal ini bukan berarti buruk karena memang Hunter sendiri relatif efektif.

Hunter nantinya bisa menjadi Sniper yang lebih mematikan. Dengan DPS yang stabil dari tempat yang lebih aman membuat para pengguna lebih nyaman. PvE membuat Hunter sangat kuat dan menonjol.

Improve Concentration
Increase your AGI by 2 and DEX by 2 for 30 seconds.
Falconry Mastery
Normal attacks have a chance to trigger a falcon attack. Triggering this effect deals ((Steel Crow damage + (INT/8)^1.8 + DEX x 2) x 1.1 + 440) sacred physical damage that ignores DEF. Having higher LUK increases the chance to trigger a falcon attack. This effect can only be triggered if you own a falcon.
Claymore Trap
Deploys a Claymore Trap with a damage radius of 3 meters and a trigger radius of 2 meters at the specified location. After detonating, deals ((DEX + 100) x (10 + INT/10) x 130% + 240) Fire physical damage to all enemies within the area and inflicts the Kindle effect on them for 5 seconds. The trap lasts for 180 seconds. Up to 7 traps can be deployed at the same time.
Increase damage dealt to Brute, Insect, Fish monsters by 1%.
Blitz Beat
Can only be used if you own a falcon. Commands your falcon to attack an enemy unit, dealing ((Steel Crow damage + (INT/8)^1.8 + DEX x 2) x 6.6 + 1320) sacred physical damage that ignores DEF, and increases your ASPD by 12 for 12 seconds. Can stack up to 5 times.
Increases trap damage by 2%. Uses all detonable traps that have been deployed.
Focused Shot
Takes aim and fires an arrow, dealing (235% ATK + 400) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute to an enemy and marks the target for 5 seconds. You deal 6% more physical damage to the marked targets. Can be used in conjunction with Elemental Arrow.
Electric Shock
Deploys an Electric Shock trap with a damage radius of 3 meters and a trigger radius of 2 meters at the specified location. After detonating, deals ((DEX + 100) x (10 + INT/10) x 130% + 240) Wind physical damage to all enemies within the area. The trap lasts for 180 seconds. Up to 7 traps can be deployed at the same time.
Steel Crow
Sending your falcon to attack increases Attack by (8 + 20% of INT) for that duration.


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Assassin dulunya adalah job yang paling populer dalam melakuakan PvP. Dibandingkan job lainnya, Assassin adalah yang paling efektif dari segi DPS dan juga burst damage miliknya yang tinggi.

Assassin bisa jadi Assassin Cross di third job. Dengan keunggulan dari build poison miliknya, Assassin juga bisa unggul dalam raid atau dungeon high level. Damage tingginya sangat berharga.

Right Hand Mastery
ATK increases by (8 + 5% of DEX) when equipped with a dagger in your right hand
Left Hand Mastery
ATK increases by (8 + 5% of DEX) when your left hand acquires the ability to use a Dagger and your left hand is equipped with a Dagger.
Katar Mastery
When equipped with a Katar, Crit increases by 10%.
Sonic Blow
Slice and dice an enemy target at lightning speed, dealing (150% of ATK + 1320 + 22 x AGI) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute to them. Has a 12% chance to stun them for 3 seconds.
Shoots spikes in the specified direction, dealing (155% of ATK + 330) Neutral physical damage to enemies within the area and stuns them for 3 seconds. When using this skill while Hiding, there is a 55% chance that using this skill will not cancel Hiding.
Venom Dart
Attacks with Venom Knife, dealing (120% of ATK + 640) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute and causing the enemy target to be poisoned for 7 seconds. When poisoned, the target will take Poison physical damage equal to 20% of the caster’s ATK every second, their DEF will be decreased by 25%, and they will not naturally recover HP and SP for the duration of the effect. The damage effect can stack up to 5 times. When the target’s HP is less than 25%, they will stop taking damage, but the other debuffs will still be in effect.
Roll Away
Rolls back 7 meters, evading enemy attacks and entering Hiding mode. After the Hiding effect granted by this skill is removed, increases Dodge by 20 for 5 seconds.
Twin Blade Piercing
When dual-wielding, normal attacks have a 2% chance to lower enemy units’ DEF by 5 x Character’s level for 4 seconds.
Enhanced Hiding
While Hiding, gain Sneak Attack effect (canceling Hiding by using normal attack will cause it to be guaranteed a critical attack). Within 2.5 seconds of canceling Hiding, skills that gain bonus effects during Hiding will still retain the bonus effects, and skills that are only usable during Hiding can still be used. Also, damage received will be reduced by 1%.
Enhanced Enchant Poison
Applies venom to your weapon, increasing the Poison physical damage of poisoned weapons by 2% of ATK, and extending the duration of the Poison effect caused by Enchant Poison, Venom Dart, and Venom Spreader by 0.5 second(s).
Supersonic Blow
Increase damage of Sonic Blow by 5%. Whenever you land a critical attack with your normal attack, Sonic Blow cooldown is reduced by 1 second.
Shadow Blade
After using this skill, increases your ASPD by 0.1 times for 6 seconds or after 5 normal attack(s). Each time a normal attack is critical, the cooldown of this skill is reduced by 0.5 seconds.



Wizard adalah job yang sangat mengerikan dengan DPS tinggi dan juga beberapa skill AoE miliknya. Tetapi mereka agak lemah dalam pertarungan langsung dan butuh perlindungan. Tetapi di dengan sedikit bantuan, mereka bisa sangat mengerikan.

Mereka bisa jadi High Wizard di third job mereka dimana kapabilitas damage mereka bisa lebih meningkat. Scaling tinggi dengan stat INT membuat mereka bisa dikatakan sebagai glass cannon.


Priest adalah job yang lebih condong kearah support. Dengan heal dan buff/debuff mereka, Priest adalah job yang wajib muncul dalam party kalian. Hal ini karena mereka sangat membantu dalam fight.

Priest bisa menjadi High Priest nantinya dalam third job mereka. Keunggulam mereka dalam heal tidak berhenti disitu saja. Ada beberapa build yang bahkan bisa membuat mereka jadi para tanker.

Increase SP Regen, recovering (0.1% of Max SP + 2) SP every 10 seconds and increasing the effect of SP recovery items by 5%.
Holy Booster
Increase Holy Light’s damage by 6%. Has a 6% chance to Crit and a 14% chance to stun the target for 2 seconds.
Impositio Manus
Say a prayer of intercession for friendly targets, increasing their ATK by 2% and converting normal attack damage to Holy damage for 15 seconds. Loses effect if more than 30 meters from the caster.
Consecrates an area, healing party members for (40% of M.ATK + 60) HP per 0.5 seconds (a character can receive up to two Sanctuary healing effects at the same time). Undead and Demon monsters that enter this area take (20% of M.ATK + 30) Holy magic damage every second for 5 seconds.
Resurrects a friendly target and heals them for 25% (increases by an additional 1% for every 30 INT you have) HP. Using this skill on Demon or Undead monsters is equivalent to using Turn Undead of the same level. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Increases the LUK of friendly targets within 30 meters by 4 and your own Crit by 5% for 120 seconds. Loses effect if a party member is more than 30 meters away.
Deal (98% of M.ATK + 680) Holy magic damage to enemies within 3 meters. Through the power of the holy spirit, reveals nearby enemy units who are Hiding for 15 seconds. You can adjust the castlevel once this skill is equipped.
Increases DEF of all party members within 30 meters by 10% (increases by an additional 1% for every 15 VIT you have) for 10 seconds. Loses its effect when the caster is more than 30 meters away.
Increases DEF of all party members within 30 meters by 10% (increases by an additional 1% for every 15 VIT you have) for 10 seconds. Loses its effect when the caster is more than 30 meters away.
Erects a defensive barrier that is immune to ranged physical damage. The barrier can take a maximum of 3 hits and lasts for 11 seconds.
Angelus gains an effect that increases the M.DEF of friendly targets within 30 meters by 10% (increases by an additional 1% for every 15 VIT you have). Loses its effect when the caster is more than 30 meters away.
Normal attacks of a friendly target within 30 meters will gain the Holy attribute for 40 seconds. Loses its effect when the caster is more than 30m away.
When using a Mace, each normal attack has a 20% chance (increases by an additional 1% for every 50 STR you have) to deal a bonus of (5% of ATK + 20) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute.
Divine Protection
Reduces damage received from Demon and Undead monsters by 4%.
Turn Undead
Using this skill has a chance to instantly kill an Undead target. If it fails, deals (150% of M.ATK + 180) Holy magic damage instead. When used on a boss, this skill has a chance to Crit, dealing 50% more damage to Undead and Demon monsters. The chance to instantly kill is determined by your INT, LUK, Skill Level, and the target’s current HP.


Dibandingkan semua job sebelumnya, Blacksmith agak berbeda nih. Blacksmith adalah salah satu job yang bisa membuat kalian jadi pedagang, ya kalian bisa lebih cepat kaya dengan job ini.

Blacksmith bisa jadi Whitesmith nanti ketika sudah mencapai third job. Dengan keunggulan Blacksmith dan Whitesmith nanti jika berencana ambil third job, job ini akan membantu kalian dalam segi QoL.

Itulah sedikit penjelasan mengenai second job Ragnarok X Next Generation. Sangat wajib kalian pahami ya agar nantinya tidak kebingungan lagi. Terutama dari segi build kalian nantinya.

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