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How To Get Easy Credits In Call Of Duty Mobile

But, Do yo know, what are credits and what credits can use for?. Actually, credits you can get simply by playing call of duty mobile.

Every mobile games has a currencies that you will buy some exclusive items. The currencies made a microtransactions in game. Such game from publisher garena, Call Of Duty Mobile which has a multiple types of currencies. Every types currencies in call of duty mobile use to buy different items. There is a non- premium currency called Credits in COD Mobile to buy a weapon or anything items you needs. But, How To Get Easy Credits In Call Of Duty Mobile?. We will guide you to get credits call of duty mobile in easiest way possible

But, Do yo know, what are credits and what credits can use for?. Actually, credits you can get simply by playing call of duty mobile. There a challenges waiting for you to accomplish that mission, with completing the challenges it’ll be give you some credits. You can use these credits to purchase some weapon types or weapons skin in shop call of duty mobile. Include, you can use this for Sprays for a creating image on wall in a match COD Mobile.

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How To Get Easy Credits In Call Of Duty Mobile

  1. Events Call Of Duty Mobile

How To Get Easy Credits In Call Of Duty Mobile

Untill now the best time for get credits call of duty mobile is during events. There are so many events that ongoing at the same time in call of duty mobile. Garena as publisher in Southeast Asia always bring in so many events in this game. So, you can easily get credits on every events.

You must checking the event tabs from main menu ingame. In this tab, you can see which event are going on this time and what rewards are you can get if you accomplished the mission.

These rewards are various things, from weapons skin, items, And of course you can get credits in this rewards. Always Check Tab events often because some event will be missing out in a hours and you’ll be missing a mission that will give you credits.

  1. Weekly Challenges

Besides that, you can get easily credits from any challenges in call of duty mobile. There are Weekly task which get cycled out weekly, like that name. A Player must be try to complete any mission in these challenges for get some credits. Because some of weekly Challenges can offer you a credits which was what we signed up them for first place to get credits as fast as possible.

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Some rewards on Weekly Challengens can be supply drop crates, whics also in that crates contains a currency called credits.

  1. Battle Pass Call Of Duty Mobile

How To Get Easy Credits In Call Of Duty Mobile

Then  last option you can get easily credits call of duty mobile is from battle pass. If you want to get more credits, you must completing any missions on battle pass. Completing this mission will rewards you with some credits at different levels. 

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The Battle pass will achieve if you’re completing various challenges which you can claiming points. These points are used to increase your battle pass call of duty mobile level. If your level is more higher you’ll get multiple rewards from battle pass, including Credits call of duty mobile.

There’s is also a premium battle pass to earn more credits from battle pass. If you’re free to play people, you only earn a little credits but that’s okay than you’re spend your real money in this game.

In th end, We hope you can get a mass enought credits for a weapon,item, or anything that you want to buy in this game call of duty mobile. But, you must know priorities for spend your credits. The higher level of your weapons is better than your sprays. Improve your skill in this game, it’ll brought you a real king player of call of duty mobile

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