Media Berita Esports Indonesia

Battlefield 2042 Dapatkan Review Sangat Buruk Dari Pemain

Padahal dari semenjak pengumumannya, game ini memang ditunggu banyak orang. Menjanjikan banyak pengalaman seru dan mengesankan, bahkan digadang-gadang sebagai game yang akan mengalahkan COD Vanguard.

Sepertinya perilisan Battlefield 2042 tidak diterima sesuai hypenya. Bagaimana tidak, di Steam saja Battlefield 2042 dapatkan review sangat buruk dari pemainnya. Hal ini karena dianggap game ini masih belum layak keluar.

Padahal dari semenjak pengumumannya, game ini memang ditunggu banyak orang. Menjanjikan banyak pengalaman seru dan mengesankan, bahkan digadang-gadang sebagai game yang akan mengalahkan COD Vanguard.

Tapi faktanya saat ini game ini terlalu banyak bug. Selain bug ada juga desain game yang dianggap sangat buruk seperti map yang terlalu terbuka sampai tidak adanya balancing dari senjata dan juga kendaraan.

Battlefield 2042 Dapatkan Review Sangat Buruk

Jika kalian lihat untuk store page dari game Battlefield 2042, banyak sekali pemain yang sangat menyesalkan perilisan game ini. Bahkan hampir semua reviewnya adalah review negatif karena kualitas yang sangat buruk.

Bahkan di review page dibawahnya ada pemain yang mendaftarkan kekurangan dari game ini. Masalahnya kekurangannya sangat banyak sekali dan membuat game ini seperti memang masih butuh waktu developement.

Missing Core Features
> No standard server browser
> Fewer standardized game modes
> Fewer base game maps than any other title (even including portal the map count is only 13)
> No persistent lobbies You have to matchmake after EVERY round
> Fewer in-game assignments None outside of cosmetic unlocks
> Less character customization options (than BF5)
> No profile progress/stats page in the menu
> No battle log/stats tracker for other players
> No global leaderboards
> No end of round assignment progress screen
> No custom emblems
> Fewer achievements
> No medals
> No swelling crescendo of dramatic music near the end of a match. Static Noise does not count
> Less destruction
> Only a small handful of destructible buildings on each map
> No map altering levolution
> No spectator mode
> No permanent community servers (would be useful for clans and events)

Missing from Infantry Gameplay
> Fewer guns Even including all the portal guns, BF4 still had more at launch
> Fewer infantry gadgets
> No manual leaning
> No diving while swimming
> No high wall vaulting
> No crouch sprinting
> No backwards prone
> No explosion knockback
> No rolling after falling from heights
> No ammo or health pickup off teammates
> No scope zeroing
> No thermal optics
> No indirect fire gadgets
> Less anti-tank launchers
> No lock-on launchers The M5 works with the SOFLAM but that requires 2 people
> No AP mines/claymores
> No static weapon emplacements
> No fortification building
> No resupply stations
> No suppression mechanic This one I don’t mind but it was a staple and now it is gone

Missing from Vehicles
> Fewer vehicle types Separate vehicle progression per faction even though they are functionally identical.
> No naval vehicles Except I guess the hovercraft technically
> No vehicle gunner direction indicator
> No lock on direction indicator
> No vehicle enter/exit animations
> No tank turret decoupling This was in BF4
> Less vehicle driver/pilot customization options
> No tank zoom customization options
> No tank gunner customization options
> No helicopter gunner secondary weapons
> No separate helicopter/fixed-wing controls
> No control input while looking behind/free looking in aircraft

Missing from Scoring System
> No squad wipe scoring
> No player damage points
> No vehicle damage points
> No vehicle kill assist points
> No headshot bonus
> No long-range kill bonus
> No assist counts as kill bonus
> No squad objective play bonus
> Oversimplified teamplay scoring (i.e. healing a teammate always gives you +5xp rather than the amount of health you give)
> Squad and Teamwork
> No commander
> No special squad call-in abilities
> No squad field upgrades
> No in-game VOIP
> Fewer factions (with almost nothing to give the 2 factions any distinction)
> No cross-team chat
> No “create new squad” option
> No clans
> No view of squadmates while in the spawn screen
> No “Medic incoming” indicator in downed state
> No rank names/icons, just a number.

Missing from UI and Quality of Life
> Less control customization options
> Less UI customization options
> No HUD/icon opacity customization
> No HUD scaling customization options
> No gunsight reticle customization options
> No network performance graph
> No individual player scoreboard
> Less detail in the ‘who killed you’ screen
> No ultrawide monitor support. Cannot move UI elements to suit screen size
> Very poor friend joining system

> 45 tick rate servers
> Rubberbanding
> Deploy bugs, revive bugs. Downed state bug that prevents you from being revived if you clip through anything. There times where you have no countdown and cannot respawn
> Janky animations
> Performance is horrible on PC. Unplayable framerates from what looks like CPU bottlenecking
> Unlock three different silencers for the same weapon that have no effect on the stats of the weapon
> Exact same attachment on two different guns having an opposite effect
> Hovercrafts are able to scale vertical surfaces, as well as fly in the right circumstances.
> In rare cases, a player will become unable to damage enemies. This player will also lose their nameplate, causing them to appear as hostile to allies. This is fixed by dying and respawning.
> Broken Bullet Registration
> Broken Bullet Spread
> Broken Weapon Balance
> Broken Vehicle Balance

Dirinya juga bahkan untuk menyarankan tidak membeli game ini. Beberapa pemain juga berpikiran sama dan menyangkan tidak bisa melakukan refund karena sudah memainkan game lebih dari 2 jam.

AYO BACA INI :  Amazing dan sOAZ Keluar Dari Tim Origen

Jadi bagi beberapa pemain yang mungkin berencana membeli ini mungkin tunggu waktu yang tepat jika dev berencana memperbaiki banyak fitur di game ini. Tapi sementara waktu ini sebaiknya kita pantau dulu.

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