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Third Job Ragnarok X Next Generation, Panduan Job Penting Late Game

Third job saat ini jad job terakhir di game ini. Bisa dibilang inilah late gamenya Ragnarok X Next Generation yang bisa kalian dapatkan. Job lanjutan ini terbilang efektif dan sangat penting kalian raih.

Bagi kalian yang sudah bermain intens mungkin third job akan jadi incaran nih. Sangat penting mengambil third job secepatnya karena banyak skill di third job Ragnarok X Next Generation yang cukup kuat.

Third job saat ini jad job terakhir di game ini. Bisa dibilang inilah late gamenya Ragnarok X Next Generation yang bisa kalian dapatkan. Job lanjutan ini terbilang efektif dan sangat penting kalian raih.

Selain memiliki skill yang sangat kuat dan stat lebih tinggi, third job di Ragnarok X Next Generation juga memliki visual yang lebih apik. Dengan efek yang lebih keren ini tentunya membuat para pemain lebih betah.

Saat ini memang tidak tersedia begitu banyak varietas dari third job dibandingkan Ragnarok sebelumnya. Tetapi dari third job yang tersedia ini setidaknya semuanya viable untuk kalian gunakan.

Lord Knight

Lord Knight adalah job yang sangat kuat di RO. Job ini memiliki sustain dan damage yang sangat tinggi. Job ini juga memiliki stat STR yang cukup menjulang dengan scaling yang baik juga.

Job ini merupakan lanjutan dari job Knight yang ada sebelumnya. Bertambahnya stat yang lebih tinggi dan akses ke skill yang lebih baik juga, Lord Knight adalah job yang serba bisa, terutama di PvE.

Spiral Pierce
Can only be used when equipped with a Spear. Twirls the spear and rapidly thrusts at an enemy target, dealing (22 x STR + 400% of ATK) + physical damage of your weapon’s attribute. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Brandish Spear
Can only be used when mounted. Deals (300% of ATK) Neutral physical damage to an enemy and decreases their ASPD and Movement Speed by 22% for 4 seconds. Damage increases by 11% when using a Spear. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Head Crush
Increase ATK by 2% and Crit Damage by 50%. Grants normal attacks an 11% chance to cause the target to Bleed for 15 seconds. When Bleeding, the target will take Neutral physical damage equal to 20% of the caster’s ATK every second, their ATK will be decreased by 25%, and they will not naturally recover HP and SP for the duration of the effect.
Lord’s Aura
Increase ATK by 2% and Crit Damage by 50%. Grants normal attacks an 11% chance to cause the target to Bleed for 15 seconds. When Bleeding, the target will take Neutral physical damage equal to 20% of the caster’s ATK every second, their ATK will be decreased by 25%, and they will not naturally recover HP and SP for the duration of the effect.
Call of Justice
Coverts VIT to ATK, increasing ATK by 2 for every 9 VIT (not including VIT gained through buffs) you have.
Weapon Parry
When taking damage, there is a 23% chance to block the enemy’s attack. The blocking effect last 10 seconds. Successfully blocking will negate physical damage, increase the Physical Damage Bonus of the next normal attack within 5 seconds by 50, and guarantee that it is a critical hit. Can trigger multiple times during the block effect.
Joint Beat
Damage an enemy’s joints, reducing their combat capabilities. Deals (230% of ATK + 1050) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute to an enemy unit and has a 10% chance to cause them to gain a random debuff for 5 seconds. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Gain the Self-Ignite effect on use to inflict heave damage upon enemies at the cost of your own HP. You will lose 1% of your Max HP every second while also dealing (0.1% of Max HP + 330) Neutral Sacred Physical damage that ignores DEF to nearby enemies. This effect will be removed when your HP falls below 10%. You will be unable to naturally recover HP and SP while under the effect of Self-Ignite and will be unable to trigger Increase Recuperative Power’s HP regen effect in PVP.
Marks the target on use. All friendly targets within 30 meters gain the Endure effect and deal 20% more damage to the marked target for 10 seconds. A party member will lose the endure effect if they are more than 30 meters away from the caster.
Gain the Frenzy effect on use. Fully restores HP and empties SP, increases Max HP by 10%, ATK by 5%, and Movement Speed by 30%. Grants the Endure effect, and decreases DEF and M.DEF by 50%. While Frenzy is in Effect, you cannot actively use skills or healing items, healing effect are decreased by 100%, and HP and SP will not recover naturally. This effect is removed after 30 seconds or when HP falls below 5%



Sniper adalah job yang fokus kepada DPS tinggi mereka dengan stat DEX dan VIT yang sangat tinggi. Mereka bisa jadi ancaman karena beragam playstyle yang sangat kuat tergantung kebutuhan.

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Lanjutan dari Hunter ini lebih fleksibel dibandingkan job lainnya. Kalian bisa bermain trap, dodge, atau crit tergantung apa yang kalian butuhkan. Dalam PvE atau PvP mereka sangat kuat.

Wind Walker
Increases your Movement Speed by 1% and Dodge by 2%.
Your falcon actively searches for enemies. Reveals stealth units within 8 meters and inflicts a Falcon’s Mark on them for 10 seconds. Your normal attacks and skills deal 11% more damage to units with Falcon’s Mark. All monsters within the area will notice your falcon, and you gain 1 Threat.
Deploys a Sandman trap with an effective radius of 3 meters and trigger radius of 2 meters at the specified location. After detonating, deals ((DEX + 100) x (10 + INT/10) x 200%) + 430 Neutral physical damage to all enemy in range and has a 5% chance to make the target sleep for 2 seconds. After the Sleep state ends, the unit that triggered the Sandman trap becomes immune to Sleep for 1.5 seconds. The trap lasts for 180 seconds. Up to 7 traps can be deployed at the same time.
Falcon Eyes
Greatly increases your ability to hunt within a short period. After casting, all of your six base stats increase by 10 each, ATK by 2%, and Crit Damage by 5% for 15 seconds.
Falcon Assault
Sends your falcon to attack an enemy, dealing ((Steel Crow damage + (INT/8)^1.8 + DEX x 2) x 13.2 + 3960) sacred physical damage that ignores DEF.
Land Mine
Deploys a Land Mine with a damage radius of 3 meters and a trigger radius of 2 meters at the specified location. After detonating, deals ((DEX + 100) x (10 + INT/10) x 125% + 280) Earth physical damage to all enemies within the area. The trap lasts for 180 seconds. Up to 7 traps can be deployed at the same time.
Multi Firing
Fires 7 arrows at once in a 60� fan-shaped area in front of you. Targets hit by an arrow will be knocked back 2 meters. Each arrow deals (85% of ATK) physical damage to your weapon’s attribute. Can be used in conjunction with Elemental Arrow.
When using Falcon Assault and Blitz Beat, there is a 14% chance to peck the enemy unit, stunning it for 0.3 second(s), during which your normal attacks and skills deal 1.5% more damage.
Trap Research
Increases Intelligence by 2 and the maximum number of traps that can be deployed at the same time by 1.
Sharp Shooting
Charges up and fires a powerful arrow at a target, dealing (242% ATK + 1000) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute to enemies in its path and knocking them back 4 meters. This skill has a 12% chance to crit. Can be used in conjunction with Elemental Arrow.
Ace Tamer
Whenever a beast attacks, you gain a stack of Ace Tamer. When in the Ace Tamer state, your ATK increases by 0.5% for 7 seconds. Ace Tamer can stack up to 3 times.
Wild Awakening
Increases your LUK by 2 and the chance to trigger a beast attack by 11%.


High Wizard

High Wizard sangat mengerikan dalam PvE atau PvP berkat damage tinggi dan damage AoE mereka. Dengan stat INT yang sangat menjulang, mereka bisa melumat lawan mereka. Hanya saja job ini memang lemah dalam serangan langsung.

High Wizard adalah job lanjutan dari Wizard yang sangat kuat. Dengan pilihan banyak spell yang bisa kalian gunakan, kalian cukup gunakan mana yang cocok dalam kebutuhan kalian nantinya.

Napalm Vulcan
Attacks a target consecutively with 5 blasts of telekinetic force, dealing a total of (200% of M.ATK + 900) Ghost magic damage. The skill has a 12% chance to crit and a 3% chance to curse the target. Targets that are cursed have their ATK reduced by 25% and their Movement Speed reduced by 50%. The curse effect lasts for 10 seconds.
Meteor Storm
Channels for 1 seconds, summoning 2 meteors to rain down at the specified location. Each meteor deals (80% of M.ATK + 130) Fire magic damage to the enemy unit hit and has a 11% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.
Chain Lightning
Deals (80% of M.ATK + 50) Wind magic damage to an enemy. If other enemy units are near the target, Chain Lightning will automatically bounce to and hit them, bouncing up to 2 times. If there are no other targets to bounce to, Chain Lightning will deal the remaining damage to the current target up to 2 times.
Intense Telekinesis
Attunes to the magical energies of the Ghost attribute, getting into the optimal condition to cast Ghost magic and channel spells at high speed. After using Ghost attribute skills, there is a 11% chance to gain 6% Ghost Attribute Enhancement for 6 seconds.
Abyssal Swamp
Creates a quagmire with a radius of 4 meters at the specified location. Enemy units within the quagmire will have their Movement Speed and ASPD decreased by 14%. The quagmire lasts for 7seconds, and units in the quagmire have a 12% chance per second for their Armor’s attribute to switch to Earth. This Earth attribute effect lasts for 3 seconds. This skill is ineffective against MVP, Mini, and Boss monsters.
Earth Spike
Calls earth spikes to erupt from the ground, dealing (200% M.ATK + 380) Earth magic damage to enemy units within 4 meters. The skill has a 23% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Safety Wall
Creates a barrier at the specified location. You and all party members will be immune to melee physical damage for 11 seconds within the barrier. The barrier can take up to 3 hits.
Gravitational Field
Rapidly amplifies the gravity at the specified location, dealing (21% of M.ATK +123) Earth magic damage every 0.5 seconds to enemy units within the area for 2.3 seconds with a 12% chance to stun them for 2 seconds. If the target was not stunned, slows them by 40% for 4 seconds.
Magic Amplification
After using this skill, increases the M.ATK of all party members within 30 meters by 1% for 30 seconds. Loses effect if more than 30 meters from the caster.
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Assassin Cross

Assassin Cross adalah third job yang menarik berkat sat VIT dan LCK yang sangat tinggi. Hal ini membuat mereka sangat cocok untuk bermain critical dimana bisa memberikan damage burst tinggi.

Assassin Cross yang merupakan third job dari assassin ini juga bisa kalian buat menjadi poison focus build. Build ini sangat mengerikan dengan damage DoT yang tanpa henti masuk ke lawan.

Venom Spreader
Tosses a bottle filled with deadly poison at the specified location. The bottle will break when it hits the floor, leaving behind poison for 4 seconds. Enemies in the area take (66% of ATK + 396) Poison physical damage every second and gain 1 stack of Poison. Poison lasts for 10 seconds. When poisoned, the target will take Poison physical damage equal to 20% of the caster’s ATK every second, their DEF will be decreased by 25%, and they will not naturally recover HP and SP for the duration of the effect. This damage effect can stack up to 5 times. When the target’s HP is less than 25%, they will stop taking damage, but the other debuffs will remain in effect.
Venom Splasher
Triggers the toxins in the target and enemy units within 4 meters, dealing ((65% + 80% x Number of Poison stacks) ATK + 500) Poison physical damage to them and removing their Poison effect.
Advanced Katar Mastery
When equipped with a Katar, Crit Damage increases by 3%.
Soul Destroyer
Fires a shockwave from a distance, dealing (340% x ATK + 33 x DEX + 1000) sacred physical damage that ignores DEF to an enemy.
Meteor Assault
Deals (180% of ATK + 500) Neutral physical damage to enemy units within 3 meters and has a 25% chance to randomly inflict the target with the Blind, Stun, or Bleed effect. If this skill is used while Hiding, the chance to inflict the debuffs increases by an extra 30%.
Enchant Deadly Poison
Applies deadly poison to your weapon. Enchant Poison will turn your weapon’s attribute to Poison and increase your Poison damage by 11%.
Assassination Halo
After using this skill, Crit of all party members within 30 meters increases by 12% for 10 seconds. Loses effect if more than 30 meters from the caster.
Deals (300% of ATK + 1000) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute to an enemy. If this skill’s damage is lethal, it can be used again within 10 seconds. This skill enters cooldown whether or not it is used within 10 seconds.
Mirror Image
Flashes to the target and rapidly slashes it 7 times, immobilizing them for 2 seconds in the process. Each slash deals (132% of ATK) physical damage and can be critical (calculated based on your Crit and the target’s Anti-Crit). After each critical hit, the damage dealt by the next slash will increase by 5%. While slashing, your Final Damage Reduction is increased by 100%.


High Priest

High Priest adalah rajanya buffer, debuffer, dan healer di game ini. Dengan adanya mereka maka party kalian dipastikan akan sangat aman. Stat INT yang tinggi membuat mereka juga cukup sakit sebagai damage dealer.

Third job dari priest ini wajib kalian bawa di party kalian. Para pemaian High Priest bisa memberikan perbedaan yang cukup tinggi bagi party mereka, terutama dalam PvE level tinggi.

Increase your Max SP by 10%, SP Regen by 30%, and amount healed by 20%. Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 20%.
Demon Bane
Increases your ATK by (56 + 35% of STR) and deals 14% more damage to Demon and Undead monsters.
Magnus Exorcismus
Creates a cross-shaped sanctuary at the specified location, dealing (60% of M.ATK + 160) Holy magic damage every 0.5 seconds to enemy units that enter the area. Undead and Demon enemies take 50% more damage. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Lowers an enemy’s Movement Speed by 26% and Final ASPD by 48% for 10 seconds. Dispels Increase Agility and Sword Speed Boost effects on the target.
Lay down judgment on an enemy, dealing (240% of M.ATK +540) Holy sacred magic damage that ignores DEF and half of that amount of Holy sacred magic damage to enemies within 3 meters of the target.
Say a prayer of intercession for friendly targets within 30 meters, increasing their Final Vigor by 5% for 8 seconds. Loses effect if more than 30 meters from the caster.
Caluseo Heal
Say a prayer of intercession for friendly targets within 30 meters, increasing their Final Vigor by 5% for 8 seconds. Loses effect if more than 30 meters from the caster.
Sacred Hammer
Deals ((260% + 22% � Number of Holy Mark stacks) ATK) Holy sacred physical damage that ignores DEF. You can adjust the cast level once this skill is equipped.
Lex Divina
Immediately interrupts the enemy’s casting or channeling, and silences all enemy units within 4 meters for 0.5 seconds.
Sacred Blessing
Protects you or a friendly unit with divine power, immediately granting immunity to death and restoring HP equal to 12% of Max HP (amount healed is also affected by Healing Effect) upon taking lethal damage. Lasts for 4.4 seconds. Can only take effect once. Loses its effect when the caster is more than 30 meters away.
Holy Light Strike
For 6.6 seconds (s), normal attacks with a Mace deal an additional 1% of your ATK as Holy sacred physical damage that ignores DEF. Inflicts the target with a stack of Holy Light Strike. Holy Light Strike can stack up to 20 times and lasts for 10 seconds. Each stack of Holy Light Strike on the target causes them to receive 2% more damage from your normal attacks.
Lex Aeterna
Increases the damage of a friendly unit’s next normal attack or active skill by 28% for 5.5 seconds (s). Can only take effect once. Loses its effect when the caster is more than 30 meters away.
Safety Wall
Creates a barrier at the specified location. You and all party members will be immune to melee physical damage for 11 seconds within the barrier. The barrier can take up to 3 hits.
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Whitesmith adalah job yang relatif aneh, tetapi sangat kuat. Mereka cukup tanky dan memiliki damage tinggi berkat STR yang tinggi. Sebagai job mandiri, mereka adalah yang terbaik.

Mereka juga sangat laku digunakan karena bisa memperkaya diri berkat beberapa skill yang tersedia. Tetapi yang paling utama, di late game mereka sangatlah kuat dan sulit sekali dibunuh di PvE dan PvP.

Cart Boost
Can only be used when equipped with a pushcart. After casting, removes Slow state. Increases Movement Speed by 23% and Final Dodge Rate by 23% (increases by an additional 1% for every 30 VIT you have). Cannot be dispelled. Lasts for 6 seconds. Does not stack with other Movement Speed increase effects.
Killing monsters in the wild earns you 2% more Zeny.
Shattering Strike
Deals (%s%% of ATK) physical damage of your weapon’s attribute to an enemy and has a %s%% chance (increases by an additional 1% for every 30 LUK you have) to break the enemy’s armor. Enemy units with broken armor have their DEF decreased by %s%% for 6 seconds.
Power-Thrust Max
Expends 200 Zeny and increases the damage of your normal attacks by 14%. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Hurl Zeny
Throws 200 Zeny for a ranged attack, dealing (300% of ATK) Neutral physical damage to the enemy. This skill has a 14% chance to crit.
Zeny Utility
Increases the damage of Mammonite, Hurl Zeny, and Zeny Storm by 1%.
Zeny Storm
Expends 300 Zeny and blasts enemy units in a specified circular area with Zeny 6 times. Each blast deals (101% of ATK + 400 (increases by an additional 100 for every 50 STR you have)) Neutral physical damage and slows the enemy by 50% for 3 seconds.
High Speed Cart Ram
Deals %s%% ATK + %s) Neutral physical damage to enemy units within the area and stuns them for 3 seconds. After learning Weight Utility, the damage of this skill increases with maximum weight.
Cart Assault
During Cart Blitz, increases damage by 5% and an additional increase of 20% each time the same target is hit. Knocks back the target 2 meters. (The same target will not be knocked back for 1.5 seconds.)
Casting Savage Slash and Shattering Strike grant you a stack of Savage for 10 seconds. Each stack grants you 0.5% Lifesteal. Can stack up to 5 times.


Itulah third job Ragnarok X Next Generation yang tersedia untuk kalian gunakan. Wajib langsung kalian dapatkan job ketiga ini di karakter kalian karena bisa memberikan impact yang sangat tinggi.

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